
Looking for the perfect aquarium to fit your needs? Whether it be a predator tank, fish-only system, or a reef tank, we offer everything you need to get your aquarium started. Aquariums come in all types and sizes from nano tanks, all-in-one aquariums, and full on reef ready systems. Come let our experienced team answer all your questions about starting your new hobby!

Aquarium Calculator

Reef Aquariums

Looking for a custom reef aquarium? We offer a wide variety of aquariums to suit all of your reef needs!

Predator Aquariums

Looking for a predator tank? We offer large aquariums to house predator fish and can even have your tank custom built. Come talk to our team today about getting the tank you want today!

We sell Aquariums!

We want to make reefing fun and easy. That’s why we provide expert knowledge and quality saltwater aquarium products. From saltwater tanks with clown fish and anemones to full-blown reef tanks, Aquatic Reef Design has your needs covered.

Custom Built Aquariums

Peninsula Aquariums

Need a room divider or want to be able to view your aquarium from 3 angles? Let us build you a custom aquarium to fit your needs.

Dual Overflow Aquariums

Custom aquariums with dual overflows are available. Come see what we can do for you today!


Custom Aquariums

Let us build your custom aquarium today! All sizes and dimensions are possible to fit your needs.

We are an Aquatlantis Aquarium dealer

Junior Aquariums

These aquariums are designed and built for your little aquarists! These are great beginner tanks that offer an easy and fun aquarium experience.

Nano Aquariums

Nano aquariums are perfect for those just trying to test the fish keeping waters. Their small size means less maintenance and less hassle. 

Excellence Aquariums

Specialized aquariums for designed to your specific tank needs. These aquariums offer a premium experience, catered to you. 

We are a Red Sea Aquarium dealer

Max Nano, Max E-Series, Max S-Series

Looking for an all-in-one system? Try our Red Sea Nano systems. 

Reefer Delux Systems

Complete system ready to be plug and play. Comes with everything you need to get your tank started.

Reefer Peninsula Systems

An advanced system designed to allow you to view from three sides. 

We are a Cade Aquariums dealer

Cade Reef 900 S2

Perfect for office and professional situations, as well as that one wall at home where nothing else seems to fit! 

Cade Peninsula 1500/P

This is the new standard in reef aquariums with high volume filtration, large capacity, & more!

Cade Frag 1500/F

This incredible All-Glass system is perfect for the frag collector!